Part 30
Speed and speed. Done.It went down with a single cast of Hanma from the Angel. Undead and unholy monsters are very, very, VERY weak against holy spells like that.Wikipedia posted:
The baykok (or pau'guk, paguk, baguck; bakaak in the Ojibwe language and pakàk in the Algonquin language) is a malevolent spirit from the mythology of the Ojibway nation.
The baykok is a character from the Ojibway oral traditions, which is said to fly though the forests of the Great Lakes region. The cries of baykok is also described as being shrill. Described as "Death" in The Song of Hiawatha, it is said to appear as an extremely ematiated skeleton-like figure, with thin translucent skin and glowing red points for eyes. The baykok only prey on warriors, but do so ruthlessly, using invisible arrows or beating its prey to death with a club. The baykok, after paralyzing or killing its prey, then devours the liver of its victim.
The word bakaak in the Ojibwe language lends itself to words such as bakaakadozo, meaning "be thin/skinny/poor", and bakaakadwengwe, meaning "have a lean/thin face". The name bakaak occasionally appears as bekaak (reflected in English as "baykok"), which may be a shortening of bekaakadwaabewizid, meaning "an extremely thin being".
On the other hand, THERE MUST be something important there.
A site with a Megaten Wiki posted:
Shiki Obatarion
-Derogatory Japanese combination term of "Aunt" and the movie Battalion
-Upper-class middle-age woman looked as an ugly undead body

Wikipedia posted:
The Fachen (also spelled Fachan or Fachin) is a creature with only half a body in Scottish and Scots-Irish folklore. Supposedly its appearance, which includes a mane of black feathers tufted at the top and a very wide mouth, is so frightening that it induces heart attacks. It can destroy an orchard with a chain in its strong, singular, withered arm, in a single night. A story in John Francis Campbell's Popular Tales of the West Highlands features a Fachen named Nesnas Mhiccallain being defeated in a race by the story's hero, Murachadh Mac Brian, who became king of Ireland. It is also known as Direach Ghlinn Eitidh, or the Dwarf of Glen Etive.

But it is a recolored Fachan or something.
Time to go back, then.
Ah, and:
Wikipedia posted:
In Roman mythology, the larvae or lemures were the spectres or spirits of the dead; they were the malignant version of the lares. Some Roman writers describe lemures as the common name for all the spirits of the dead, and divide them into two classes: the lares, or the benevolent souls of the family, which haunted and guarded the domus or household, and the larvae, or the restless and fearful souls of wicked men. But the more common idea was that the Lemures and Larvae were the same. They were said to wander about at night and to torment and frighten the living.
On May 9, 11, and 13, the Lemuralia or Lemuria, the Feast of the Lemures, occurred, when black beans were offered to the Larvae in the hopes of propitiating them; loud noises were also used to frighten them away.
Lemurs were so named by Linnaeus for their big eyes, nocturnal habits and unearthly noises they make at night. Some species of lemur were identified by their calls before scientists had seen individuals.
Wikipedia posted:
A ghoul is a monster from ancient Arabian and Persian folklore that dwells in graveyards and other uninhabited places. The English word comes from the Arabic name for the creature: الغول ghūl, which literally means "demon".[1] The ghul is a devilish type of jinn believed to be sired by Iblis.[2]
The female form is given as "ghouleh" in Muhawi and Kanaana (see ref below). The plural is "ghilan".
Ghul is also the name for a desert-dwelling shapeshifting demon that can assume the guise of an animal, especially a hyena. It lures unwary travellers into the desert wastes to slay and devour them. The creature also preys on young children[citation needed], robs graves, and eats the dead[3]. Because of the latter habit, the word ghoul is sometimes used to refer to an ordinary human such as a grave robber, or to anyone who delights in the macabre. The word "ghoul" has also been used to describe cannibals such as Jeffrey Dahmer.[citation needed]
The star Algol takes its name from this creature.[4]
Requiring input AGAIN. Two more points available. NEXT: Getting out of the building and whatnot.